Lucy Bouza

Lucy Bouza

Licensing: S.179091

Your local Real Estate Professional that is born and raised in Las Vegas at your service. To provide the highest Real Estate Services available anywhere. Specializes in applying my expertise and market knowledge to industrial, retail and multifamily properties that consistently exceed the investments goals of my clients. I will earn the loyalty of each and everyone of my clients to become life long clients and most importantly valued friends. My clients are afforded a knowledgeable professional, not only in the buying and selling of their home, but someone who marries their expertise with knowledge of the local community, excellent listening skills and attention to detail. My goal is to make the buying and/or selling process for my clients a seamless, enjoyable and effortless experience.

Selecting a real estate professional who is probably one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Please give me a call today and give me a chance to earn your business!

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